Rulings and Determinations


The Agency issues decisions and orders on matters and disputes that involve federally-regulated air, rail and marine transportation operations, their customers and other stakeholders.

Note: If a discrepancy exists between the version of a ruling on the CTA Web site and the official version, the official version prevails. If an official copy of a ruling is required please contact the Agency.


A determination is a finding of fact by the Agency generally with respect to administrative or economic matters.

Western grain revenue caps: Maximum grain-hauling revenues for railways (CN and CP)

Coasting Trade: Use of foreign or non-duty paid ships in Canadian waters

Rail interswitching: Traffic transfers between railways, and related consultations

Track determinations: Determining the status of rail lines for transfer and discontinuance purposes

Rail line construction: Approval of railway projects

CEAA rail screenings: Environmental reviews for railway construction and other projects

Cost of capital in rail: Determining the cost of railway investments

Rail net salvage value: Calculations for rail line transfer or discontinuance

Schedule A (Rail): Construction and maintenance rates for crossing warning systems and other infrastructure

Air and rail discontinuances: Determinations for discontinuing rail lines and air routes

Rail financial, accounting and costing matters: Accounting methods and practices

Airline tariff exemptions: Exemptions to published fares, rates, charges, and terms and conditions of carriage

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