Summary of the Accessible Canada Act and Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations: A Guide on Accessibility Plans

Table of contents

1. Purpose

ASL version of Purpose
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

Continue to the next video: Contents of an Accessibility Plan


This is a summary of the Accessible Canada Act and Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations: A Guide on Accessibility Plans, which explains the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and the Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations (ATPRR) related to the accessibility plans. The ATPRR apply to transportation service providers (TSPs) that operate in the federal transportation network and that are required to comply with any CTA accessibility-related regulations. More detailed information can be found in the original guide.

2. Contents of an Accessibility Plan

ASL version of Contents of an Accessibility Plan
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

Continue to the next video: Publication of an Accessibility Plan


An accessibility plan is a plan that sets out a roadmap that TSPs will use to improve accessibility during a three-year period. They describe the actions a TSP will take to prevent and remove barriers during that three-year period.

Accessibility plans must set out the TSPs' policies, programs, practices and services to identify, remove and prevent barriers in six priority areas and include some other content.

TSPs are required to consult persons with disabilities in the preparation of their accessibility plans and set out how they consulted persons with disabilities in their accessibility plan.

The ACA and the ATPRR only set out a few details in terms of content requirements that TSPs must include in their accessibility plans. This flexibility allows TSPs to develop their accessibility plans and polices in a way that works best for their organization. However, accessibility plans must include the following headings, which relate to the required content:

  • General;
  • Information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • Communication, other than ICT;
  • Procurement of goods, services and facilities;
  • Design and delivery of programs and services;
  • Transportation;
  • Built environment;
  • Provisions of CTA accessibility-related regulations that the TSP is required to follow; and,
  • Consultations.

The full guide provides information on each of these topics, including best practices, examples, and sources that TSPs may consult.

3. Publication of an Accessibility Plan

ASL version of Publication of an Accessibility Plan
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

Continue to the next video: Notice to the Agency


TSPs must publish their most recent accessibility plan in clear, simple and concise language.

TSPs that use a digital platform, such as a website, must publish their accessibility plans on the main digital platform or website, in a format that meets the requirements of Level AA conformance that are set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

A TSP must publish this information in a manner that makes the accessibility plan accessible either directly on the homepage or home screen, or by way of a hyperlink from that homepage or home screen.

No Digital Platform

TSPs that do not use a digital platform to communicate information to the public must publish a print copy of the most recent accessibility plan and display it in a visible place in the main reception area of each of their publicly accessible business locations. Print copy accessibility plans must also be published in clear, simple and concise language.

4. Notice to the Agency

ASL version of Notice to the Agency
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

Continue to the next video: Alternate Formats


A TSP must notify the CTA by electronic means (e.g., email) within 48 hours of publication of each version of its accessibility plan.

5. Alternate Formats

ASL version of Alternate Formats
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

Continue to the next video: How the ATPRR relates to ATPDR and other CTA regulations


A person can request that a TSP make its accessibility plan available to them in the following alternative formats:

  • print
  • large print
  • braille
  • audio format, or
  • an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology that is intended to assist persons with disabilities.

A person may make the request for an alternative format through the same way the TSP communicates with the public, including by mail, by telephone, or via electronic means, such as email.

TSPs have prescribed timelines that they must meet for alternate format requests, based on whether they are public or private entities and on the size of operation they have. In general, TSPs must make their accessibility plans available in the alternate format requested as soon as feasible after the request is received.

How the ATPRR relates to the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR) and other CTA regulations like the Air Transportation Regulations (ATR) and the and Personnel Training for the Assistance of Persons with Disabilities Regulations (PTR)

ASL version of How the ATPRR relates to ATPDR and other CTA regulations
This is an American Sign Language (ASL) video with no audio

End of ASL video of Summary of the ACA and ATPRR: A Guide on Accessibility Plans


The ACA and the ATPRR complement the provisions in the ATPDR, the PTR and Part VII of the ATR, by requiring TSPs to fulfill planning and reporting requirements that will enable them to take steps to eliminating any remaining barriers, and preventing new barriers, that persons with disabilities may face when accessing their transportation services.

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