
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil on Air Transport

1. Date of Agreement

Legal Title:
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil on Air Transport
May 15, 1986
Provisionally in force
July 26, 1990
Definitively in force

2. Other Instruments

December 11, 1989 and July 26, 1990
Exchange of Notes (ratification of Agreement)
September 26, 1991
Agreed Minute (agreed ad referendum to modifications to the route schedule).
August 9, 1994
Exchange of Notes (modification to Route Schedule)
July 19, 1995
Agreed Minute (re-affirmed Agreed Minute ad referendum dated September 26, 1991 modifications to the route schedule, Definitions, Grant of Rights, Aviation Security and adding Change of Gauge).
September 1, 1995
Exchange of Notes (Brazil designates VASP - Viaçäo Aérea Säo Paulo S.A. as second air carrier)
July 27, 2000
Diplomatic Note (Canada designates Air Canada to operate the agreed services in Section II)
October 1, 2004
Agreed Minute (Brazil has authorized, on a provisional basis, Air Canada to operate an additional weekly flight for a period of one year.)
June 20, 2005
Diplomatic Note (Brazil designates Varig-Vaiçao Aéra Rio Grandense S.A. and Varig Logistica S.A. to operate the routes between Brazil and Canada and withdraws the designation of VASP Viaçao Aera Sao Paulo S.A.)
June 29, 2006
Agreed Minute (Agreement reached on a new article on designation and on a new Annex on traffic rights. Both parties reaffirmed ad referendum the acceptance of the 1995 modifications to the following articles: Grant of Rights, Aviation Security, Definitions and Change of Aircraft.)
March 3, 2008
Diplomatic Note (Brazil designates TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A.)

3. Characterization of Bilateral Agreement

A. Grant of Rights:
All except as specified in the Annex
B. Designation:
Multiple, Air Canada, VARIG-Vaiçao, Varig Logistica and TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A.
C. Tariffs:
Single disapproval
D. Capacity:

4. Routes and Associated Rights

The routes and associated rights were revised ad referendum and remain confidential until definitively entered into force.

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