
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Peru for Air Services between and Beyond Their Respective Territories

1. Date of Agreement

Legal Title:
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Peru for Air Services between and Beyond Their Respective Territories
February 18, 1954
Provisionally in force
February 18, 1955
In force

2. Other Instruments

June 4 and August 22, 1955
Exchange of Notes (Canada names Buenos Aires as point beyond on Route 1).
April 25 and June 5, 1957
Exchange of Notes (Canada names Santiago, Chile as point beyond on Route 1).
April 14, 2005
Letter designating Lan Peru to operate scheduled air services
September 17, 2009
Letter designating Taca Peru to operate scheduled air services

3. Characterization of Bilateral Agreement

A. Grant of Rights:
As specified in the Annex.
B. Designation:
Single by route, Air Canada, Lan Peru
C. Tariffs:
Single disapproval.
D. Capacity:
Free determination.

4. Routes and Associated Rights


Points of Origin

Intermediate Points

Points in Canada

Points Beyond


Points in Ecuador, Panama, Cuba, Mexico


Points to be agreed

Lima, other point or points in PeruFootnote 1

Points to be agreed



Points of Origin

Intermediate Points

Points in Peru

Points Beyond


Points in Mexico, Cuba, Panama

Lima, Talara

Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Chile and other points as may be agreed.

Montreal, other point or points in Eastern CanadaFootnote 2

Points to be agreed

Lima, Talara

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