Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 37441 - 37450 of 39663
Decision Decision number Decision date
June 8, 1989 APPLICATION by Bathurst Inlet Developments (1984) Ltd. for suspension of Licence Nos. 882181 and 882183 for a period of eighteen months. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File Nos. M4205-B14-4M4205-B15-4 Docket Nos. 8926789268 Bathurst Inlet Developments (1984) Ltd. has applied to the...
292-A-1989 1989-06-08
June 8, 1989 APPLICATION by Côtenair Inc. to also use fixed wing aircraft in Groups B, C and E under Licence No. 883553. ECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-C143-4 Docket No. 89082 Côtenair Inc. (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National Transportation Agency to operate...
291-A-1989 1989-06-08
June 8, 1989 APPLICATION by Pegasus Helicopters Inc. for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service using rotating wing aircraft having a maximum certificated take-off weight not greater than 4,409 pounds. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4895-P131-4...
290-A-1989 1989-06-08
June 7, 1989 APPLICATION by Time Air Inc. to also serve the point Points North Landing, Saskatchewan using fixed wing aircraft in Group E, under Licence No. 880265. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-T44-2-3 Docket No. 89094 Time Air Inc. (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to...
288-A-1989 1989-06-07
June 7, 1989 APPLICATION by Northland Air Manitoba Limited to also serve the point The Pas, Manitoba under Licence No. 880352. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-N71-3-1 Docket No. 89151 Northland Air Manitoba Limited (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National...
289-A-1989 1989-06-07
June 6, 1989 APPLICATION by Miminiska Sportsman's Lodge Ltd. carrying on business as Miminiska Air Service for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A and B, from a base at Pickle Lake, Ontario. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-...
287-A-1989 1989-06-06
June 6, 1989 APPLICATION by Nunasi-Northland Airlines Limited to also serve the points Whale Cove and Chesterfield Inlet, Northwest Territories under Licence No. 890077. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-N94-3 Docket No. 89132 Nunasi-Northland Airlines Limited (hereinafter the...
286-A-1989 1989-06-06
June 6, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Rural Municipality of Francis No. 127 (hereinafter the applicant), pursuant to all relevant sections of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3, for authority to reconstruct and widen the crossing of a grid road between the south-east quarter of...
1989-R-153 1989-06-06
June 6, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Ministry of Forests and Lands of the Province of British Columbia (hereinafter the applicant) pursuant to section 201 and all other relevant sections of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly section 197 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970,...
1989-R-154 1989-06-06
June 2, 1989 APPLICATION by Medivest Aviation Group, Inc. doing business as Business Aviation of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of...
285-A-1989 1989-06-02