Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 37641 - 37650 of 39663
Decision Decision number Decision date
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the crossing of a north/south access road across the right of way and track of the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the Railway Company), in the Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at mileage 244.1 Watrous Subdivision...
1989-R-68 1989-04-04
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Corporation of the City of Brampton (hereinafter the Applicant), pursuant to section 201 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly section 197 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2), for authority to reconstruct Dennison Avenue where...
1989-R-69 1989-04-04
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application under subsection 201(1) of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly subsection 197(1) of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2) of the Department of Transportation and Utilities of the Province of Alberta (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority...
1989-R-70 1989-04-04
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Department of Transportation and Utilities of the Province of Alberta (hereinafter the Applicant) pursuant to section 201 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly section 197 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2) for authority to...
1989-R-71 1989-04-04
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the allocation of the cost of maintenance of the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the Railway Company) and a municipal road, at mileage 46.50 Meadow Lake Subdivision, in the Village of Chitek Lake, in the Province of Saskatchewan....
1989-R-72 1989-04-04
April 4, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the City of Berthierville (hereinafter the Applicant), pursuant to section 201 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly section 197 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2) for authority to construct a public crossing at grade to carry...
1989-R-73 1989-04-04
April 3, 1989 APPLICATION by Astro Star Aviation, Inc. of Niles, Michigan, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No....
173-A-1989 1989-04-03
April 3, 1989 APPLICATION by Athabaska Airways Ltd. to also use fixed wing aircraft in Group E under Licence No. 882665. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4895-A224-4 Docket No. 89057 WR Athabaska Airways Ltd. (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National Transportation Agency...
172-A-1989 1989-04-03
April 3, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of The Corporation of the Township of Richmond (hereinafter the Applicant) pursuant to section 201 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1987, c. R-3 (formerly section 197 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2), for authority to construct the crossing at...
1989-R-67 1989-04-03
March 31, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the proposed acquisition of Wardair Inc. by PWA Corporation and Part VII of the National Transportation Act, 1987, S.C. 1987, c. 34, (hereinafter the NTA, 1987). DECISION: THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF WARDAIR INC. BY PWA CORPORATION IS NOT AGAINST THE PUBLIC INTEREST...
171-A-1989 1989-03-31