Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 37661 - 37670 of 39663
Decision Decision number Decision date
March 28, 1989 APPLICATION by Whiteshell Air Service Ltd. for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A, B and C, from a base at Amphibian Lake, Manitoba. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-W47-4-1 Docket No. 88687 WR Whiteshell Air...
164-A-1989 1989-03-28
March 28, 1989 APPLICATION by Air Canada for a licence to operate a scheduled international service between points in Canada and Yugoslavia. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4895-A74-1-40 Docket No. 89131 Air Canada (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National Transportation...
165-A-1989 1989-03-28
March 28, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the County of St. Paul No. 19 (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to a) construct the crossing of rural road where it crosses at grade the track of the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the Railway Company), at mileage 124.48...
1989-R-62 1989-03-28
March 28, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 9470 dated January 22, 1986 - Air Charters (1982) Inc./Agence d'affrètement Aérien (1982) Inc. File No. 2-A274-4 WHEREAS by Decision No. 9470 dated January 22, 1986, Air Charters (1982) Inc./Agence d'affrètement Aérien (1982) Inc. (hereinafter the...
1989-A-60 1989-03-28
March 28, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the City of Guelph (hereinafter the Applicant) pursuant to subsection 201(2) of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. R-3 (formerly subsection 197(2) of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2) for authority to construct a subway to carry Imperial Road...
1989-R-61 1989-03-28
March 23, 1989 APPLICATION by The Flightstar Corporation of Savoy, Illinois, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No....
161-A-1989 1989-03-23
March 23, 1989 APPLICATION by Central Patricia Outfitters Ltd. carrying on business as Bottenfield's Winisk Air for authority to amend Licence No. 882903 by deleting Condition No. 2 and to also use fixed wing aircraft in Group C. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4205-B57-4 Docket No....
163-A-1989 1989-03-23
March 23, 1989 APPLICATION by Execaire Inc. for amendment of Condition No. 2 of Licence Nos. 882291 and 882292 by deleting reference to Falcon Fanjet aircraft in Group D and Grumman Gulfstream I and II aircraft in Group E and by adding Canadair CL 601 aircraft in Group E. DECISION: APPLICATION...
162-A-1989 1989-03-23
March 23, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the operation of an international service by Garland L. Bernhardt doing business as Bernhardt's Flying Service - Licence No. 881089. File No. M4895-B33-4 WHEREAS under Licence No. 881089, Garland L. Bernhardt doing business as Bernhardt's Flying Service (...
1989-A-57 1989-03-23
March 23, 1989 IN THE MATTER OF the operation of an international service by Midstate Aviation Center, Inc. - Licence No. 881389. File No. M4895-M53-4 WHEREAS under Licence No. 881389, Midstate Aviation Center, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-...
1989-A-59 1989-03-23