Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 38211 - 38220 of 39833
Decision Decision number Decision date
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to operate over the bridge over Beaver Creek at Mile 74.46 Ignace Subdivision, near Minnitaki, in the District of Kenora, in the Township of Sandford, in the Province of Ontario...
1988-R-1153 1988-12-12
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the accident on June 30, 1988 at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and Highway No. 8 (Main Street), in Moosomin, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at mileage 86.3 Broadview Subdivision. File No. 26807.201 IT IS ORDERED AND DIRECTED that the...
1988-R-1156 1988-12-12
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the accident on July 20, 1988 at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and a public road, in the Rural Municipality of Webb No. 138, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at mileage 23.50 Maple Creek Subdivision. File No. 26807.1597 IT IS ORDERED...
1988-R-1152 1988-12-12
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the accident on April 13, 1988 at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and Highway No. 3, near Pierson, in the Province of Manitoba, at mileage 72.6 Estevan Subdivision. File No. 47166 IT IS ORDERED AND DIRECTED that the speed limitation...
1988-R-1150 1988-12-12
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the accident on September 20, 1988 at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and 14th Avenue, in the Town of Markham, in the Province of Ontario, at mileage 175.71 Havelock Subdivision. File No. 26727.105 IT IS ORDERED AND DIRECTED that the...
1988-R-1149 1988-12-12
December 12, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the accident on July 13, 1988 at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and a public road, in the Rural Municipality of Estevan No. 5, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at mileage 143.4 Portal Subdivision. File No. 26807.338 IT IS ORDERED AND...
1988-R-1148 1988-12-12
December 9, 1988 APPLICATION by General Department of International Air Services (Aeroflot "Soviet Airlines") of Moscow, U.S.S.R., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4R Restricted Charter non-scheduled international service to transport passengers and goods between Canada and any other country...
473-A-1988 1988-12-09
December 9, 1988 APPLICATION by 2553-4330 Québec Inc. proposing to carry on business as Aeropro for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service using fixed wing aircraft in Group B. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED. File No. M4895-A355-4 Docket No. 88548 2553-4330...
472-A-1988 1988-12-09
December 9, 1988 APPLICATION by Wapiti Aviation Ltd. for suspension of Licence Nos. A.T.C. 1720/67(C), A.T.C. 569/77(CF), A.T.C. 3160/80(C) and A.T.C. 2518/76(NS) indefinitely. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED WITH MODIFICATION. File Nos. 2-W259-1A-2A-3A-4A Docket No. 88497 Wapiti Aviation Ltd. (...
474-A-1988 1988-12-09
December 9, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Napierville Junction Railway Company for an Order to permit the operation of trains and engines, without stopping, through the interlocked crossing of its railway at mileage 4.28 Mainline Subdivision and the railway of the Canadian National...
1988-R-1144 1988-12-09