Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 111-120 of 1445 decisions.
December 4, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the railway company) and the Corporation of the City of Nepean pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10 (hereinafter the CTA), relating to the...
1998-AGR-744 | Order | 1998-12-04
December 10, 1998
ERRATUM to Decision No. 596-R-1998 dated December 4, 1998 - Ottawa Central Railway Inc.
File No. R 8005/O2
In the title on page 1 and in the last paragraph of page 2 of the above-noted Decision, "72.4" should read "72.73".
The certificate of fitness attached hereto...
596-R-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-04
December 3, 1998
APPLICATION by the Canadian National Railway Company pursuant to section 16 of the Railway Safety Act, R.S., 1985, c. 32 (4th Suppl.), for a determination by the Canadian Transportation Agency of the cost apportionment responsibilities for the installation and future maintenance...
594-R-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-03
December 3, 1998
APPLICATION by the Canadian National Railway Company, pursuant to section 16 of the Railway Safety Act, R.S., 1985, c. 32 (4th Supp.), for a determination by the Canadian Transportation Agency of the apportionment of costs for the installation of an automatic warning system...
593-R-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-03
Suspension is no longer in effect by Decision No. 49-A-1999
December 3, 1998
APPLICATION by Compton Airways Ltd. for suspension of Licence Nos. 962053 and 970035.
File Nos. M4210/C416-1M4210/C416-2
Docket Nos. 981062981063
Compton Airways Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the...
591-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-03
The suspension is no longer in effct by Decision No. 333-A-1999
December 3, 1998
APPLICATION by Gundahoo River Outfitters Inc. for suspension of Licence No. 972086.
File No. M4210/G134-1
Docket No. 981002
Gundahoo River Outfitters Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian...
590-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-03
December 3, 1998
APPLICATION by Puddister Shipping Limited pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for an extension of its licence to use the "NORTHERN CRUISER", a Bahamian ro-ro cargo vessel, during the period commencing December 10, 1998 and ending December 24, 1998.
File No....
592-W-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-03
December 3, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF the suspension of Licence No. 977017 imposed by Order No. 1998-A-740 dated December 1, 1998 - Causey Aviation Service, Inc.
File No. M4211/C45-2
Under Licence No. 977017, Causey Aviation Service, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a non-...
1998-A-742 | Order | 1998-12-03
December 3, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF an application by the ministère des Transports of the Province of Quebec pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10 (hereinafter the CTA), to vary Order No. 120592 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada dated April 26,...
1998-R-741 | Order | 1998-12-03
December 2, 1998
APPLICATION by Air Canada, on behalf of itself and Air Jamaica Limited, for an approval pursuant to section 60 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C. 1996, c. 10, and section 8.2 of the Air Transportation Regulations, SOR/88-58, as amended, to permit Air Jamaica Limited, while...
587-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-02