Decision No. 596-R-1998

December 4, 1998


December 10, 1998

ERRATUM to Decision No. 596-R-1998 dated December 4, 1998 - Ottawa Central Railway Inc.

File No. R 8005/O2

In the title on page 1 and in the last paragraph of page 2 of the above-noted Decision, "72.4" should read "72.73".

The certificate of fitness attached hereto replaces Certificate No. 98003 which was issued on December 4, 1998.

December 4, 1998

APPLICATION by Ottawa Central Railway Inc., pursuant to section 91 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a certificate of fitness to operate a line of railway from Pembroke, Ontario (mileage 89.2) to mileage 6.0 near Ottawa, Ontario, as well as the Walkley Line (mileage 5.8 to mileage 0.0); and to operate, through running rights, on the lines of railway of the Canadian National Railway Company from Coteau Junction, Quebec (mileage 0.0) to mileage 72.4 near Ottawa, on the Alexandria Subdivision; from mileage 6.0 to mileage 5.3 on the Beachburg Subdivision; and from mileage 0.0 near Ottawa to Richmond, Ontario (mileage 13.0), on the Smiths Falls Subdivision.

File No. R 8005/O2

Ottawa Central Railway Inc. applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the certificate set out in the title. The application was received on October 26, 1998.

The Agency has reviewed the material filed and is satisfied that there will be adequate third party liability insurance coverage for the proposed operation of the line of railway. The Agency's review of Ottawa Central Railway Inc.'s financial capability to self-insure for the amount of the deductible was based on its pro forma financial statements and the indemnity agreement with its parent company, Société des chemins de fer du Québec Inc., in respect of the amount of self-insurance.

Accordingly, the Agency, pursuant to subsections 92(1) and 92(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, will issue a certificate of fitness to Ottawa Central Railway Inc. which will permit it to operate a line of railway from Pembroke, Ontario (mileage 89.2) to mileage 6.0 near Ottawa, Ontario, as well as the Walkley Line (mileage 5.8 to mileage 0.0); and to operate, through running rights, on the lines of railway of the Canadian National Railway Company from Coteau Junction, Quebec (mileage 0.0) to mileage 72.4 near Ottawa, on the Alexandria Subdivision; from mileage 6.0 to mileage 5.3 on the Beachburg Subdivision; and from mileage 0.0 near Ottawa to Richmond, Ontario (mileage 13.0), on the Smiths Falls Subdivision.

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