Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
Showing 81-90 of 132 decisions.
[1] Mobility Ottawa-Outaouais: Systems & Enterprises Inc. (MOOSE) filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) pursuant to Part III, Division V of the Canada Transportation Act (CTA) against the City of Ottawa (City). MOOSE requests the...
210-R-2012 | Decision | 2012-06-06
[1] The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is required to determine by April 30, 2012 the Volume-Related Composite Price Index (VRCPI) for crop year 2012-2013 commencing August 1, 2012 and ending July 31, 2013.
[2] In this Decision, references to 2012-2013 mean the...
149-R-2012 | Decision | 2012-04-27
[1] On July 4, 2008, the Quayside Community Board (QCB) filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency), pursuant to section 95.1 of Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA), against the Canadian National Railway Company (CN), the Canadian...
107-R-2012 | Decision | 2012-03-28
On March 12, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the construction, maintenance and apportionment of the costs of a road crossing (warning system) at Highway 881 and mileage 231.75...
2012-AGR-123 | Order | 2012-03-27
On February 22, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the reconstruction, maintenance and apportionment of the costs of the road crossing (sidewalk) at Pottery Road and mileage 4.43...
2012-AGR-124 | Order | 2012-03-27
On March 12, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the construction, maintenance and apportionment of the costs of a road crossing (warning system) at Highway 881 and mileage 196.40...
2012-AGR-125 | Order | 2012-03-27
[1] This Decision addresses three issues:
whether cash or accrual cost accounting methods should be used to recognise pension costs for regulatory costing purposes and for the determination of the labour price index (LPI);
the appropriate interpretation of the pension expense...
97-R-2012 | Decision | 2012-03-22
[1] The Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CP) filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for approval of the proposed construction of a new intermodal yard, to be known as the Edmonton Intermodal Facility. The proposed intermodal yard will extend between...
96-R-2012 | Decision | 2012-03-22
On February 24, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the reconstruction, maintenance and apportionment of the costs of the road crossing at Palmer Forsyth Road and mileage 131.79...
2012-AGR-113 | Order | 2012-03-20
On February 24, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the construction, maintenance and apportionment of the costs of a road crossing (warning system) at Palmer Forsyth Road and...
2012-AGR-114 | Order | 2012-03-20