Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 51-60 of 1241 decisions.
December 12, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between the Canadian National Railway Company and the Rural Municipality of Ituna Bon Accord (No. 246) pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, relating to the construction and maintenance of a...
2007-AGR-561 | Order | 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between the Canadian National Railway Company, the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, relating to the...
2007-AGR-564 | Order | 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between the Canadian National Railway Company and the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy (No. 345) pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, relating to the installation and maintenance of crossing...
2007-AGR-562 | Order | 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
APPLICATION by PF Collins Customs Broker Ltd., on behalf of OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc., pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence to use the "OVERSEAS SHIRLEY", a Canadian non duty paid tanker, to carry crude oil from the NTL terminal at...
630-W-2007 | Decision | 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
APPLICATION by Air Canada for authority to operate four (4) additional round-trip flights between Vancouver and Seoul on December 29, 30 and 31, 2007 and January 1, 2008 and between Seoul and Vancouver on December 30 and 31, 2007 and January 1 and 2, 2008.
File No. M4210/A74-4-...
629-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service by Alpenglow Aviation Inc. - Licence No. 970064.
File No. M4210/A745-1
Under Licence No. 970064, Alpenglow Aviation Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.
By Decision No....
2007-A-559 | Order | 2007-12-12
December 11, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 358-AT-A-2007 dated July 13, 2007 - Olive Watson against MyTravel Airways Limited.
File No. U3570/03-45
In its Decision No. 358-AT-A-2007 dated July 13, 2007 (hereinafter the Decision), the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency)...
627-AT-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-12-11
December 11, 2007
APPLICATION by Burgess Aircraft Management, LLC carrying on business as Ozair Charter Services of Springfield, Missouri, United States of America, pursuant to subsection 73(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, for a licence to operate a non-...
626-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-12-11
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2008-A-45
December 11, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Rhoades Aviation, Inc. - Licence No. 967412.
File No. M4211/R28-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 967412, Rhoades Aviation, Inc. (hereinafter the...
2007-A-558 | Order | 2007-12-11
December 11, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Burgess Aircraft Management, LLC carrying on business as Ozair Charter Services for an exemption from the application of subsection 84(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended.
File No. M4211/O117-2
Burgess Aircraft...
2007-A-557 | Order | 2007-12-11