Determination No. R-2018-254
DETERMINATION by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) of the 2019 regulated interswitching rates pursuant to Part III, Division IV of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA).
[1] This is the Agency’s determination of the 2019 regulated interswitching rates pursuant to Part III, Division IV of the CTA.
[2] Subsection 127.1(1) of the CTA requires that, no later than December 1 of every year, the Agency determine the rate per car to be charged for interswitching traffic for the following calendar year.
[3] Subsection 127.1(2) of the CTA requires that, in determining an interswitching rate, the Agency take into consideration
- any reduction in costs that, in the opinion of the Agency, results from moving a greater number of cars or from transferring several cars at the same time; and
- any long-term investment needed in the railways.
[4] Subsection 127.1(3) of the CTA requires that, in determining an interswitching rate, the Agency consider the average variable costs of all movements of traffic that are subject to the rate and the rate shall not be less than the variable costs of moving the traffic, as determined by the Agency.
[5] The Agency determines the regulated interswitching rates for 2019 as follows, according to the interswitching distance zones as defined in the Railway Interswitching Regulations, SOR/88‑41, as amended (Interswitching Regulations):
Interswitching distance zone | Rate per car for interswitching traffic to or from a siding (single car) |
Rate per car for interswitching a car block (60 cars or more) |
Zone 1 | $340 | $50 |
Zone 2 | $435 | $80 |
Zone 3 | $280 | $70 |
Zone 4 | $275 | $55 |
Additional rate per kilometre per car | $7.20 | $1.10 |
[6] Regulated in Canada since 1904, interswitching is a practice that gives some shippers access to the services of railway companies that do not directly serve their facilities or sidings, by requiring that a railway company that does provide such direct service transfer cars with a shipper’s traffic at an interchange to a different railway company with which the shipper has made transportation arrangements.
[7] On May 23, 2018, the Transportation Modernization Act, S.C., 2018, c. 10, which included a number of interswitching-related amendments, received royal assent.
[8] Subsection 127.1(1) and paragraph 127.1(2)(b) were added to the CTA, requiring the Agency to determine the interswitching rates no later than December 1 of every year and to take into consideration any long-term investment needed in the railways, respectively.
[9] Subsection 127.1(4) was added to the CTA, requiring the Agency to publish the method that it followed for determining the rate.
[10] Subsection 127.1(5) was added to the CTA, requiring the Agency to publish the interswitching rate in the Canada Gazette no later than December 31 before the beginning of the calendar year for which the rate applies.
[11] These new provisions will help ensure that interswitching rates are established and communicated in a timely and transparent fashion. The present determination represents an important first step in implementing an updated approach to setting interswitching rates.
[12] This is the first revision of the interswitching rates since 2013. It necessarily relies on available data, and uses well-established costing methodologies, some elements of which are used in other Agency determinations. It also reflects relevant methodological determinations, for example, Decision No. 425-R-2011 (2011 cost of capital decision), Decision No. 97-R-2012 (pension decision), Decision No. 2015-R-91 (variability decision) and Determination No. R‑2017‑198 (determination of the methodology to determine the working capital amounts and capital structure for regulatory purposes).
[13] The Agency intends to launch consultations in early 2019 to examine the methodology used to set interswitching rates. These consultations will examine a broad range of methodological questions and factors, including car block categories, regional rates, rates developed for federally‑regulated short-line railway companies, and the Agency’s cost of capital methodology.
[14] In calculating the 2019 regulated interswitching rates, the Agency used the methodology presented in Appendix A. This approach reflects the considerations referred to in subsections 127.1(2) and 127.1(3) of the CTA.
[15] As provided for in paragraph 127.1(2)(a) of the CTA, the Agency has taken into consideration the resultant reduction in costs from the movement of a greater number of cars in the calculation of the car block rates.
[16] The current threshold for car block rates is set at 60 cars or more, which was established by the Agency in 1988 following a public consultation on its Interswitching Regulations. The Agency reviewed the threshold again in December 2007, and confirmed the 60-car limit at that time.
[17] The Transportation Modernization Act added a requirement, in paragraph 127.1(2)(b) of the CTA, which directs the Agency to also take into consideration “any long-term investment needed in the railways.” Below is an explanation of the approach used by the Agency to reflect this provision in the rate-setting exercise for 2019.
[18] The Agency’s interswitching methodology follows the standard Agency costing model, which captures the economic costs of providing interswitching service. This serves to capture both the accounting costs and the implicit costs of a railway, including labour costs, fuel costs, material and other costs, and capital costs, which include depreciation of assets, and the returns on investment in those assets.
[19] By comparison, accounting costs only capture the explicit costs of a firm. Accounting costs are the actual cash outlays of a company that is providing a service or good such as labour, fuel and materials. Compensating railway companies with the full economic costs of their operations supports their long-term economic viability in the market. The Agency captures the implicit costs of the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CP) through the cost of capital allowance and a depreciation allowance in its costing methodology.
[20] The cost of capital is defined as an estimate of the total return on net investment required by debt holders (cost of debt) and shareholders (cost of common equity) such that debt costs can be paid and shareholders can be provided with a return on investment consistent with the risks assumed for the period under consideration.
[21] The cost of debt portion of the cost of capital is measured by the Agency using the coupon rate method, which represents the actual interest paid to financial institutions or bond holders for loans made to the railway companies, as recorded in the most recent financial statements of the railway companies. If the allowance for the cost of debt was less than the actual cost of debt paid, the businesses would have difficulty meeting their debt obligations and securing additional debt to fund future long-term investments. On the other hand, if the allowance for the cost of debt was more than the actual cost of debt, this would result in an unjustifiable windfall and not be in keeping with section 112 of the CTA, which states that a rate established by the Agency must be commercially fair and reasonable to all parties.
[22] The cost of the common equity portion of the cost of capital is calculated using the traditional Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as presented in the 2011 cost of capital decision. From 2009‑2011, the Agency conducted a comprehensive public review of different cost of common equity models including the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model, the Equity Risk Premium Model, and combinations of different models including the averaging of the CAPM and the multi‑stage DCF Model. After reviewing the merits of all models, as well as considering stakeholder views, the Agency concluded that the traditional CAPM best met requirements.
[23] An allowance for depreciation costs uses the remaining life technique of the Group Plan method. In the remaining life technique, the depreciation rate for a group of assets, such as locomotives, divides the cost of locomotives (gross investment less net salvage value) by the number of years in its whole life calculation to determine a yearly depreciation value. Any imbalances in total annual depreciation (due to early or later retirements) are adjusted over the remaining life of all the locomotives.
[24] The whole life and remaining life of each asset are estimated by CN and CP and verified by the Agency through the analysis of historical data, comparisons between CN and CP, and with public data of other railway companies.
[25] This method of calculating the depreciation ensures that the costs of employing the assets used in providing rail service can be fairly apportioned between the railway companies and shippers.
[26] The Agency is responding to the requirements of subsection 127.1(3) of the CTA through its use of system average unit costs and by obtaining actual service units for regulated interswitching movements on site.
[27] By using actual costs incurred by the railway companies for each service unit (unit costs) and by applying actual service units utilized in providing regulated interswitching services, the Agency calculates the true variable cost of providing regulated interswitching services.
[28] This process is described in further detail in Appendix A.
[29] The data used in the development of the interswitching rates are as follow (Appendix A describes these components in greater detail):
- Interswitching service units (obtained through conducting annual Agency staff site visits);
- 2014 unit cost for eachservice unit, including overheads (approved by the Agency on November 27, 2018);
- 2017 volumes of interswitched cars (submitted by CN on April 12, 2018 and by CP on March 27, 2018);
- 2014 contribution to fixed costs (the data required for this calculation was obtained by the Agency through Transport Canada on February 4, 2016).
[30] The current approach to determining interswitching rates is based on actual service units within each zone. Costs are affected by a range of factors that can include train length, customer siding characteristics, and train yard activities, any of which can vary considerably from one situation to another. As a result of taking these service unit factors into account, regulated interswitching costs do not simply increase in direct proportion to distance.
[31] In Order No. 2015-R-91, the Agency found that confidential railway company information, including the railway companies’ costing manuals, was not to be shared in the context of any proceeding.
[32] The Agency finds that the financial and operating data received from CN and CP and used as part of this determination process are commercially sensitive and that their public disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the competitive position of CN and CP. Therefore, pursuant to section 25 of the CTA, the Agency will keep this information confidential. As such, no reference is made to this data, or to the Agency’s calculations relating to it, in this public Determination.
[33] The Agency determines that the regulated interswitching rates for 2019 for each of the interswitching distance zones defined in the Interswitching Regulations are to be as follows:
Interswitching distance zone | Rate per car for interswitching traffic to or from a siding (single car) |
Rate per car for interswitching a car block (60 cars or more) |
Zone 1 | $340 | $50 |
Zone 2 | $435 | $80 |
Zone 3 | $280 | $70 |
Zone 4 | $275 | $55 |
Additional rate per kilometre per car | $7.20 | $1.10 |
- Appendix A: The Canadian Transportation Agency’s (Agency) Methodology for Calculating Regulated Interswitching Rates
- Appendix B: Detailed Interswitching Calculation (PDF)
- Appendix C: Uniform Classification of Accounts (UCA) that factor into the 2019 Interswitching Rates
Appendix A to Determination No. R-2018-254
The Canadian Transportation Agency’s (Agency) Methodology for Calculating Regulated Interswitching Rates
The 2019 interswitching rates calculated by the Canadian Transportation Agency are based on a methodology that captures the economic costs of providing interswitching services. These economic costs include explicit costs such as operating costs, including the depreciation of assets, as well as the implicit costs associated with the returns on investment in those assets. The returns on investment are a weighted average of the returns on debt and the returns on equity, and are determined by the Agency according to its cost of capital methodology, which was reviewed in a comprehensive consultation and culminated in the 2011 cost of capital decision. It is important to note that the current interswitching rates setting methodology is based on determining actual costs of the activity, as described below, rather than employing techniques that enhance the relationship between rates and distance, as was done in the past.
For explanatory purpses, the Agency has calculated interswitching rates based on the following simplified formula:
Interswitching rates = (A x B) x C/D
- A is interswitching variable costs
- B is contribution to fixed costs
- C is a factor to account for price inflation, and
- D is a productivity adjustment factor
Interswitching variable costs are expressed as:
Interswitching variable costs(A) = (E/F x G) x H
- E is system costs
- F is system service units
- G is variability of costs, and
- H is interswitching service units
The expression (E/F X G) is referred to below as the unit cost for each service unit, including overheads.
A more detailed derivation can be found in Appendix B. In the following sections each of these variables is described in further detail.
1.0 Interswitching Service Units
Every year, Agency staff visit interchange locations across Canada to meet with CN and CP yard supervisors to review interswitching operations at each location. For each interchange location, all of the steps required to provide interswitching services for the major interswitching shippers in each zone and to estimate the service units involved in each step are verified . The Agency visits interchanges of different sizes, volumes and characteristics to capture the unique operations of interchanges across Canada.
The service unit estimates for single-car rates and block train rates are described in further detail in sections 1.1 and 1.2 respectively.
1.1 Single-car service units
There are two different types of interswitching operations for single-car movements (interswitching 59 cars or less):
- Yard switching; and,
- Road switching.
Under yard switching, a yard crew will pick up the interchange cars at the interchange and will bring them back to the yard for classification (sorting) and marshalling (placing cars in order for delivery). Cars are then delivered to the customer. On the return trip, the cars return to the yard where they are classified and marshalled again before returning to the interchange.
Road switching occurs in locations where switching in a yard is not possible, or in situations where only minimal classification or marshalling is required. Road switching involves either a line-haul train or a road crew picking up cars at the interchange. The cars may or may not be classified or marshalled at the interchange before being delivered to the customer. On the return trip, the cars are brought back to the interchange with little or no classification or marshalling.
Service unit estimates for road switching include:
- Gross ton-miles, which drive costs, such as track maintenance;
- Car-miles, which drive costs, such as car inspection;
- Train-miles, which drive costs, such as signals maintenance;
- Carloads, which drive costs, such as marketing and sales.
- Fuel consumed;
- Crew wages; and
- Diesel unit miles, which drive costs such as those for locomotive maintenance and investment.
Yard switching is more complex in terms of classification and marshalling. In most major yards, there would be a dedicated yard assignment with crews classifying or marshalling hundreds of cars. Since tracking specific cars and mileage at the yard is not possible in all circumstances, mileage at the yard is simplified as yard switching minutes.
Yard switching minutes captures the amount of time that it takes to service a customer, including the process of classification and marshalling. The associated unit cost for this service unit captures all of the expenses incurred for yard switching, including crew wages, locomotive fuel expenses, locomotive maintenance expenses, and track and roadway maintenance.
1.2 Block train service units
Service unit estimates for block trains for the development of rates includes:
- Gross ton-miles;
- Car-miles;
- Train-miles;
- Carloads;
- Fuel consumed;
- Crew wages; and
- Diesel unit miles.
Block movements involve a “hook and haul” operation where blocks of cars are hooked on at the interchange and delivered directly to the customer. On the return trip, cars are hooked and delivered directly to the customer. However, additional handling either at the interchange or at the shipper siding may be required. If, for example, the siding or the interchange is not long enough to handle the block, the railway must perform one or multiple cuts to the block in order to complete the movement. Where additional handling is identified during site visits, the costs are reflected in the final interswitching rate.
To calculate the extra kilometre rate for block trains, the movement for the average service units (average cars on a train, average number and type of locomotives used) of all of zone 4 block customers is assessed over one kilometre. To estimate the costs of moving one extra kilometre, the average train speed (obtained from CN’s and CP’s annual reports) is used. Unlike the extra kilometre rate for single-cars, where the costs of actual movements are captured, there are currently no movements in the extra kilometre zone for block trains so an estimation of costs is required.
2.0 Unit cost for each service unit, including overheads
Derived service units are multiplied by their corresponding unit cost to obtain a cost per car for each shipper in each zone. CN and CP submit their detailed financial and operating data to the Agency each year based on the Agency’s Uniform Classification of Accounts And Related Railway Records (2014) [UCA]. The UCA defines the method of accounting for railway companies subject to regulation by the Agency. It provides accounting instructions and the framework of accounts for the rail operations of suchrailway companies. It also provides instructions for the recording of operating statistics and defines the categories for such data.
The Agency approves each railway company’s cost to produce a unit of defined railway activities such as: track and roadway maintenance, signals investment, etc., based on system expenses on each activity and the system service units produced.
The costing model developed by the Agency then determines the total variable cost, including direct activities as well as indirect supervisory, management, and administration activities, to produce a unit cost for each service unit. These indirect costs are referred to as overheads because they do not relate to service units directly, but instead relate to the direct costs of those service units. (e.g. When a train moves one gross ton mile it will incur track maintenance labour costs directly, as well as indirect costs or overheads for the management of, and equipment used by track maintenance labourers).
For the 2019 interswitching rates, the Agency has used the 2014 CN and CP unit costs. An index factor (using indices from the volume-related composite price index) and productivity factor is applied (based on the Agency’s current productivity model) in order to estimate costs in 2019Footnote 1. The Agency applied an average productivity value of 98.23% to account for productivity gains between 2014 and 2019. This is based on the Agency’s calculation of the average total factor productivity growth of each railway company over this period.
The table in Appendix C lists all of the variable cost accounts (as defined by the UCA) that factor into the 2019 interswitching rates.
3.0 Volumes of interswitched cars
The volumes of interswitched cars are required to calculate a weighted system average of costs starting at each interchange, then for each zone, and finally CN and CP have to come up with the aggregated weighted system average interswitching costs. The example below illustrates the weighting that is applied:
1. For each interchange, the costs per car for each shipper within a zone are weighted by the carloads interswitched to produce an average cost per interchange.
Table 1: Calculating costs for Vancouver zone 1 interswitching for railway ABC
Vancouver zone 1 for railway ABC | 2017 carloads | % weight (share of traffic) |
Variable cost per car | Weighted zone 1 cost |
Shipper A | 800 | 80% | $100.00 | $80.00 |
Shipper B | 200 | 20% | $80.00 | $16.00 |
Vancouver zone 1 cost per car for railway ABC | 1,000 | 100% | $96.00 |
2. For each zone, the average costs for each interchange are then weighted by the traffic interswitched to produce an average cost per car for each zone. For example, the results from Table 1, are found in the first row below.
Table 2: Calculating zone 1 Interswitching costs for railway ABC
Zone 1 for railway ABC | 2017 carloads | % weight (share of traffic) |
Variable cost per car | Weighted zone 1 cost |
Vancouver | 1,000 | 62.50% | $96.00 | $60.00 |
Toronto | 600 | 37.50% | $150.00 | $56.25 |
Zone 1 cost per car for railway ABC | 1,600 | 100% | $116.25 |
3. The costs for each railway in each zone are then averaged, based on the interswitching traffic of each railway company in that particular zone, to generate a system average variable cost measure per car for each of the four distance zones. For example, the results from Table 2, are found in the first row of Table 3.
Table 3: Calculating zone 1 Interswitching costs
Zone 1 | 2017 carloads | % weight (share of traffic) |
Variable cost per car | Weighted zone 1 cost |
Railway ABC | 1,600 | 44.44% | $116.25 | $51.66 |
Railway XYZ | 2,000 | 55.56% | $125.00 | $69.45 |
Zone 1 cost per car | 3,600 | 100% | $121.11 |
The zone 1 variable cost per car in this example is $121.11.
4.0 Contribution to fixed costs
Finally, a system average contribution to fixed costs is added to the variable costs for each zone to arrive at the interswitching rate for the zone. Fixed costs include items which are completely non‑variable such as the maintenance of bridges and snow removal. The costs related to the maintenance of bridges and snow removal do not vary with railway traffic volumes, but are caused by weather and age.
The Agency calculates the system average contribution to fixed costs separately for eachrailway company. The amount of fixed costs is calculated as the total system cost (which is derived from financial reports provided to the Agency) less the system variable cost (calculated by the Agency costing model). The system contribution to fixed costs is the amount of fixed costs expressed as a proportion of the system variable costs.
For 2019, the average contribution to fixed costs is 60.17%, compared to the 2013 value of 20.4% as set out in Decision No. LET-R-66-2010. There are two main reasons for this variation. First, in the pension decision, the Agency adjusted its methodology for railway pension accounting. This included the use of a regulatory cost assessment in place of GAAP principles and the creation of a pension asset account. These changes resulted in higher levels of both fixed and variable costs.
Second, in June 2015, the Agency issued the variability decision, which assessed the portion of railway expenses that could be directly linked to changes in railway operations. The variability decision, which was the result of the first major review of railway cost variabilities in over a decade, resulted in significant adjustments. The Agency will continue to monitor cost variabilities and the contribution to fixed costs.
Appendix C to Determination No. R-2018-254
Uniform Classification of Accounts (UCA) that factor into the 2019 Interswitching Rates
Cost complex | UCA account number | Description of account |
102cx | 102 | Grading |
103 | Rail | |
105 | Ties | |
106 | Paved Concrete Trackbed (PACT System) | |
107 | Other Track Material | |
109 | Ballast | |
111 | Track Laying and Surfacing | |
123 | Public Improvements | |
125 | Other Right-of-Way Property | |
139 | Roadway Buildings | |
141 | Roadway Building Machines and Moveable Equipment | |
131cx | 131 | Office and Common Buildings |
133 | Office and Common Buildings Moveable Equipment and Machinery | |
143 | 143 | Equipment Repair Shops |
145 | 145 | Shop Machinery and Moveable Equipment |
149 | 149 | Signals |
151 | 151 | Rail Communication Systems |
163 | 163 | Fuel Stations |
171 | 171 | Locomotives |
183 | 183 | Roadway Machines |
187cx | 187 | Work Equipment |
189 | Other Non-Revenue Rolling Stock | |
195 | 195 | Miscellaneous Equipment |
400cx | 400 | Administration |
463 | Injuries to Railway Employees: Maintenance of Way and Structures | |
479 | Other Way and Structure Expense | |
401cx | 401 | Track and Roadway Maintenance |
403 | Rails – Maintenance | |
405 | Ties - Maintenance | |
406 | Paved Concrete Trackbed - Maintenance | |
407 | Other Track Material - Maintenance | |
409 | Ballast - Maintenance | |
419 | Tools and Supplies | |
423 | Crossing Maintenance | |
435 | Roadway Buildings - Maintenance | |
461 | Vehicles | |
431 | 431 | Office and Common Buildings - Maintenance |
437 | 437 | Equipment Repair Shops - Maintenance |
441cx | 441 | Track Signals - Maintenance |
442 | Hump Yard Devices - Maintenance | |
443 | Crossing Protection - Maintenance | |
444 | Other Signal Devices - Maintenance | |
671 | Dispatching | |
673 | Line Operators and Signal Operation | |
445cx | 445 | Rail Communication Systems - Maintenance |
701 | Rail Communication System Operation | |
457 | 457 | Fuel Stations - Maintenance |
500cx | 500 | Administration |
571 | Injuries to Railway Employees: Equipment Maintenance | |
579 | Other Equipment Expense | |
501 | 501 | Locomotive Maintenance |
503 | 503 | Locomotive Servicing |
517 | 517 | Lubrication, Inspection and Coupling Hose - Freight Cars |
537 | 537 | Work Equipment - Maintenance |
539 | 539 | Roadway machines - Maintenance |
563cx | 563 | Work Equipment and Roadway Machine Rents - Dr. |
564 | Work Equipment and Roadway Machine Rents - Cr. | |
573 | 573 | Shop Machinery - Maintenance |
600cx | 600 | Administration |
709 | Building Operating Expenses | |
711 | Other Rail Operations | |
743 | Injuries to Railway Employees: Rail Operations (Yard and Train) | |
745 | Clearing Wrecks | |
747 | Third Party Injuries and Damage to Property (excluding Freight) | |
751 | Miscellaneous Operating Expense | |
607 | Train Crews - Freight | |
619 | 619 | Train Locomotive Diesel Fuel - Freight |
631 | 631 | Train Other Expenses - Freight |
641cx | 641 | Controlling Yard Operations |
643 | Yard and Terminal Clerical | |
645cx | 645 | Yard Engine Crews |
647 | Yard Train Crews | |
649 | Operating Yard Devices | |
655 | Yard Other Expense | |
651 | 651 | Yard Locomotive Diesel Fuel |
681cx | 681 | Freight Customer Service Centres |
703 | Weighing, Inspection and Demurrage Bureaus | |
741 | 741 | Loss and Damage: Freight Train Accidents |
749 | 749 | Loss and Damage - Other Accidents |
800cx | 800 | General Administration |
801 | Management Services | |
809 | Accounting and Finance | |
811 | Personnel and Public Relations | |
817 | Other Administrative Expenses | |
861 | Injuries to Railway Employees: General (and unallocated) | |
803 | 803 | Marketing and Sales - Carload Freight |
813 | 813 | Environmental Remediation Expense |
819 | 819 | Employee Incentive Compensation |
821 | 821 | Pension Costs |
823cx | 823 | Health and Welfare |
825 | Canada Pension Plan | |
827 | Quebec Pension Plan | |
829 | Employment Insurance | |
831 | 831 | Other Employee Benefits |
835 | 835 | Labour Restructuring Expense |
843 | 843 | Provincial Sales Taxes |
845cx | 845 | Municipal Property Taxes |
849 | Other Taxes | |
851 | 851 | Insurance |
902cx | 902 | Grading - Amortization |
903 | Rail - Amortization | |
905 | Ties - Amortization | |
906 | Paved Concrete Trackbed - Amortization | |
907 | Other Track Material - Amortization | |
909 | Ballast - Amortization | |
911 | Track Laying and Surfacing - Amortization | |
923 | Public Improvements - Amortization | |
925 | Other Right-of-Way Property - Amortization | |
939 | Roadway Buildings - Amortization | |
941 | Roadway Building Machines and Moveable Equipment - Amortization | |
931cx | 931 | Office and Common Buildings - Amortization |
933 | Office and Common Buildings Moveable Equipment and Machinery - Amortization | |
943 | 943 | Equipment Repair Shops - Amortization |
945 | 945 | Shop Machinery and Moveable Equipment - Amortization |
949 | 949 | Signals - Amortization |
951 | 951 | Rail Communication Systems - Amortization |
963 | 963 | Fuel Stations - Amortization |
971 | 971 | Locomotives - Amortization |
983 | 983 | Roadway Machines - Amortization |
987cx | 987 | Work Equipment - Amortization |
989 | Other Non-Revenue Rolling Stock - Amortization | |
995 | 995 | Miscellaneous Equipment - Amortization |
- Date modified: