Service standards and performance information for fiscal year 2018 to 2019
This report covers the 2018 to 2019 fiscal year. A fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
On this page
- Service standards for Air Service Licences Issued
- Service standards for Charter Permits for Canadian Originating Non-Scheduled International Air Services
As part of its ongoing commitment to provide quality client service, the CTA has developed service standards. Service standards state the level of performance that citizens can reasonably expect to receive under normal circumstances.
Our performance results related to services for high-volume regulatory authorizations are described in more detail below.
Air Service Licences Issued
Service description: The CTA posts service standards and performance information for services with over 100 regulatory authorizations, such as permits or licences, issued each year (high-volume regulatory transactions).
The CTA is the aeronautical authority for Canada that issues licences to operate publicly available air services. The CTA issues licences to operate domestic air services to Canadian applicants. It also issues licences to operate scheduled and non-scheduled international services to and from Canada. Further details on the service can be found in the licence application guides for Canadian applicants and for non-Canadian applicants.
The CTA issues the following licences:
- Domestic: Licence to Canadian carriers who operate a service within Canada.
- Non-Scheduled international: Licence to Canadian carriers to operate charter flights between Canada and any other country; licence to foreign carriers to operate charter flights between Canada and their own country.
- Scheduled international: Licence to Canadian carriers to operate scheduled flights between Canada and any other country; licence to foreign carriers to operate scheduled flights between Canada and their own country.
This service is a medium to high volume regulatory transaction.
Service standard: Issue air service licences within seven working days of receiving all required documentation to the Agency's satisfaction.
Performance target: Meet CTA service standard for at least 85% of licence applications.
Performance result in fiscal year 2018 to 2019: The service standard was met 95% of the time for the period of April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
Charter Permits for Canadian-Originating Non-Scheduled International Air Service
Service description: The CTA posts service standards and performance information for services with over 100 regulatory authorizations, such as permits or licences, issued each year (high-volume regulatory transactions).
An international charter air service is a non-scheduled international service operated under a contractual arrangement between an air carrier and a charterer. Carriers holding a licence for a non-scheduled international service must get a program permit, or an authorization, from the CTA to operate Canadian-originating charter flights to any foreign country. The permit and authorization processes ensure that air carriers operating international charter flights comply with the Air Transportation Regulations.
The CTA has an established service standard for issuing permits for charter flights from Canada to the country of the licensee, which is a high volume regulatory transaction. To obtain this permit, the licensee is required to apply to the CTA, at the latest, two working days prior to the first flight.
As of July 1, 2019, with the coming-into-force of amendments to the Air Transportation Regulations, this regulatory transaction is no longer required. Licensees wishing to operate a non-scheduled charter from Canada to their own country will simply be required to notify the CTA in advance of the flight(s) instead of applying for a permit.
Service standard: Issue charter permits four working days after receipt of application.
Performance target: Meet CTA service standard for at least 85% of charter permit applications.
Performance result in fiscal year 2018 to 2019: The service standard was met 91% of the time for the period of April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
Service standards and performance results for previous fiscal years
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