Air passenger protection public consultation - Written submissions


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Some of the information on this web page has been provided by external sources. The Agency is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.

Personal statements

Please note that participant comments expressed during the public consultations events are considered personal statements and do not represent the official position of the Canadian Transportation Agency. All participants were given the option to make their submission in the official language of their choice.

Privacy notice

All participants were informed that information they shared during the public consultation process will form part of the public record and will be posted on the CTA's website. This includes personal information, such as full names, email addresses, postal/street addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers, etc. They were advised not to include in their submission any information that they did not want to be published in the public record.

 Written submissions

During the CTA's Air Passenger Protection Public Consultation period, individuals and organizations were invited to submit comments on the Transportation Modernization Act. In the interest of transparency, all of the submissions that the CTA received have been posted with its original content. For accessibility purposes, the CTA has converted all documents to PDF.

Public submissions

a_schwartz.pdf d_warthold.pdf j_clement.pdf m_beaudoin.pdf t_kertes.pdf
a_wychnenka_adrim.pdf d_whieldon.pdf j_hadley.pdf m_ladurantaye.pdf t_odell.pdf
b_h.pdf e_archer.pdf j_lawson.pdf m_pavlovic.pdf v_manuel.pdf
b_matheis.pdf e_fontaine.pdf k_kao.pdf m_ramage.pdf w_scott.pdf
c_campbell.pdf e_kehimkar.pdf k_kelly.pdf m_wilson.pdf y_al.pdf
c_popadiuk_and_k_kao.pdf e_simoes.pdf k_moen.pdf n_kircher.pdf  
d_and_b_dolter.pdf f_leduc.pdf k_nakatsu.pdf n_newbery.pdf  
d_and_p_shakell.pdf f_van_hooft.pdf k_stahl.pdf r_barr.pdf  
d_corran.pdf g_chen.pdf k_victor.pdf r_hurlbut.pdf  
d_drapeau.pdf g_hungerford.pdf l_allen.pdf r_kelly.pdf  
d_harris.pdf i_dohoo.pdf l_anderson.pdf r_melynchuk.pdf  
d_lu.pdf i_mosley.pdf l_ladell.pdf r_schwartz.pdf  
d_ohrn.pdf j_and_b_ferris.pdf l_morland.pdf s_flynn.pdf  
d_shakell.pdf j_bagshaw.pdf l_steiman.pdf t_howlett.pdf  

Industry and consumer rights groups submissions

air_canada.pdf apda.pdf cfm.pdf neebing.pdf sunwing.pdf
air_creebec_inc.pdf air_new_zealand.pdf aqta.pdf cnib.pdf nacc.pdf
ecumseh.pdf air_transat.pdf atac.pdf edmonton_airport.pdf nata.pdf
turkish_airlines.pdf aaco.pdf avia_marketing.pdf eva_air.pdf national_coalition.pdf
united_airlines.pdf acta.pdf caa.pdf guide_dog_users.pdf nbaa.pdf
us_dot.pdf air_passenger_rights.pdf cac.pdf hac.pdf option_consommateurs.pdf
westjet.pdf airhelp.pdf calm_air.pdf iata.pdf piac.pdf
yyzlaw.pdf airlines_for_america.pdf canadian_north.pdf iles_de_la_madeleine.pdf porter.pdf
alta.pdf cbaa.pdf jazz.pdf qatar_airways.pdf  
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