Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 11-20 of 91 decisions.
September 9, 2010
APPLICATION by Irving Oil Limited, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-47
Irving Oil Limited applied, through its Canadian representative, for a licence to use the "COHO", an American tug to work with the barge...
382-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-09
September 9, 2010
APPLICATION by Irving Oil Limited, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-48
Irving Oil Limited applied, through its Canadian representative, for a licence to use the "PENN No. 92", an American barge, to work with...
383-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-09
September 8, 2010
APPLICATION by Shell Trading Canada, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-49
Shell Trading Canada applied, through its Canadian representative, for a licence to use the "SEABORNE", a tanker registered in Hong...
380-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-08
September 8, 2010
APPLICATION by Geophysical Service Incorporated pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended.
File No. W9125/P5/10-10-1
Geophysical Service Incorporated (GSI) filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (...
379-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-08
September 7, 2010
APPLICATION by Adventure Canada Inc., pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/A31/10-1
Adventure Canada Inc. applied for a licence to use the "CLIPPER ADVENTURER", a Bahamian cruise ship, to conduct a cruise from Corner...
377-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-07
September 1, 2010
APPLICATION by OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc. pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-45
OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc. applied, through its representative, for a licence to use the "OVERSEAS...
370-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-09-01
August 30, 2010
APPLICATION by OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc., pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-44
OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc. applied, through its representative, for a licence to use the "NORDMARK...
369-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-08-30
August 30, 2010
APPLICATION by Husky Oil Operations Ltd., pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-46
Husky Oil Operations Ltd. (applicant) applied, through its representative, for a licence to use the "HEATHER KNUTSEN", a Canadian...
368-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-08-30
August 26, 2010
APPLICATION by Brewaba Wasserbaugesellschaft mbH, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence.
File No. W9125/P5/10-42
Brewaba Wasserbaugesellschaft mbH applied, through its Canadian representative, for a licence to use the "NORDNES", a Dutch...
363-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-08-26
August 20, 2010
APPLICATION by PGS Geophysical, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence to use the "HARRIER EXPLORER".
File No. W 9125/P5/10-37
[1] PGS Geophysical (PGS) applied for a coasting trade licence to use the "HARRIER EXPLORER"...
355-W-2010 | Decision | 2010-08-20