
Displaying 171 - 180 of 201 publications
Effective for tickets issued on or after April 1, 2015. Disclaimer The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is the economic regulator of...
2015-10-02 | Interpretation Note
(Corporate name andaddress of air carrieror agent) Filing Advice No._____   Date (...
2015-09-30 | Sample Tariffs
NOTE The attached sample air tariff is only intended to serve as a guide.  It is not intended to cover all possible situations or to be an exhaustive...
2015-09-30 | Sample Tariffs
Background The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is responsible for ensuring that undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities are...
2015-07-15 | Compliance Reports
Background In August 2013, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) announced that it would undertake a public consultation and review of the adequacy...
2015-06-26 |
INTRODUCTION A. The Canadian Transportation Agency The Canadian Transportation Agency (formerly known as the National Transportation Agency of Canada)...
2014-11-05 | Codes of Practice
Purpose of the Code of Practice This Code contains accessibility standards developed to enhance the level of accessibility for persons with disabilities...
2014-11-04 | Codes of Practice
What is this guide for? This guide is intended to help Canadian applicants successfully apply for a domestic, a scheduled international or a non-...
2014-08-22 | Guides
The intent of this document is to provide information to guide those who may be considering the operation of an air service by way of a fractional...
2014-05-15 | Guides

The Canadian Transportation Agency's mandate includes the authority to resolve various transportation disputes and complaints within its jurisdiction through mediation. Mediation can be used to facilitate dispute resolution by providing parties with an effective alternative to the more formal, court-like decision-making process of the Agency

2013-08-16 |