
Displaying 171 - 180 of 203 publications
Effective for tickets issued on or after April 1, 2015. Disclaimer The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is the economic regulator of...
2015-10-02 | Interpretation Note
(Corporate name andaddress of air carrieror agent) Filing Advice No._____   Date (...
2015-09-30 | Sample Tariffs
NOTE The attached sample air tariff is only intended to serve as a guide.  It is not intended to cover all possible situations or to be an exhaustive...
2015-09-30 | Sample Tariffs
Background The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is responsible for ensuring that undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities are...
2015-07-15 | Compliance Reports

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2015-06-29 | Guides
Background In August 2013, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) announced that it would undertake a public consultation and review of the adequacy...
2015-06-26 |
INTRODUCTION A. The Canadian Transportation Agency The Canadian Transportation Agency (formerly known as the National Transportation Agency of Canada)...
2014-11-05 | Codes of Practice
Purpose of the Code of Practice This Code contains accessibility standards developed to enhance the level of accessibility for persons with disabilities...
2014-11-04 | Codes of Practice
What is this guide for? This guide is intended to help Canadian applicants successfully apply for a domestic, a scheduled international or a non-...
2014-08-22 | Guides

This page has been archived on the Web.

2014-06-23 | Guides